Opalescence Go

Pre-loaded Whitening Trays - 6 % Hydrogen Peroxide

Opalescence Go® is the perfect option for patients who are looking for convenient, ready-to-go whitening.
A professional whitening gel delivered in prefilled, disposable trays, Opalescence Go features the enhanced UltraFit™ tray and can deliver dramatic results in as a little as 60 minutes per day.
With no impressions, models, or dental technician time required, Opalescence Go is the professional alternative to less-effective over-the-counter options and is an excellent introduction to whitening as well as a perfect follow-up to in-office whitening.
Dispensed only by a licensed dental professional, Opalescence Go allows you to get professional whitening results at your convenience in a safe and effective way. After the first application in the dental practice the Opalescence whitening trays can conveniently be worn at home.

Opalescence PF

Carbamide Peroxide with Potassium Nitrate and Fluoride

Opalescence® PF 10 % and 16 % take-home whitening gel is perfect for people who want a lot of options. With two different concentrations and three flavors, you can wear Opalescence for as little as 4 hours per day—or even overnight!
Dispensed only by a licensed dental professional, Opalescence take-home whitening gel allows you to get professional whitening results at your convenience in a safe, effective, and customized way. After the first application in the dental practice the Opalescence whitening trays can conveniently be worn at home.

Every smile is unique. Every smile is powerful. For many patients a brighter, whiter smile is life changing. That’s the power of a smile.

Haleigh Smiling

Haleigh, from the United States — a hairstylist, gamer, and athlete —smiles because she loves to be herself. Opalescence Go® prefilled take-home whitening trays with 6 % hydrogen peroxide are the perfect way to whiten on her busy schedule. Comfortable and ready-to-use right out of the package. For many patients a brighter, whiter smile is all they need to shine. That’s the power of a smile.

Kam Smiling

Kam, from the Bahamas — an addiction counselor, athlete, and father — smiles when he sees his daughter. Opalescence Go® prefilled take-home whitening trays with 6 % hydrogen peroxide are perfect to quickly whiten his smile in an hour while his daughter is asleep. Comfortable and ready-to-use right out of the package. A whiter smile can help each of your patients live their best life. That’s the power of a smile.

Calle Smiling

Calle, from Sweden, loves surfing, fishing, snowboarding, and hiking. He smiles most when he is in the outdoors with friends. Opalescence® PF take-home whitening in comfortable custom trays with 10 % or 16 % carbamide peroxide has flexible wear times so he can keep his smile bright in a way that fits his lifestyle. Its sticky viscous gel composition with 20 % water content ensures less dehydration and sensitivity. A bright smile gives him the confidence to take on any challenge. That’s the power of a smile.

Ecem Smiling

Ecem, from Germany — a marketing specialist and home cook — smiles when she embarks on a new adventure to somewhere she has never been before. Opalescence® PF take-home whitening in comfortable custom trays with 10 % or 16 % carbamide peroxide has flexible wear times so she can keep her smile bright in a way that fits her lifestyle. Its sticky viscous gel composition with 20 % water content ensures less dehydration and sensitivity. A bright smile helps her make friends on her travels. That’s the power of a smile.

How do your patients feel about their smiles?

Share with us on social media with #MySmileIsPowerful and stay tuned for powerful smiles all year long!

Opalescence Tooth Whitening Reference Guide